InContemplation- The Beginning of the end. Musings of a high school senior’s mother.

InContemplation- The Beginning of the end. Musings of a high school senior’s mother.

As soon as the list would come  out my daughter began prodding me to go to Target to get fresh school supplies.  We’d make our way to the school supply area, still fully stocked and devoid of people in mid-July.


“Don’t you have a pair of scissors from last year you can use?” I would ask staring at the leopard print handled scissors in our basket.


“I outgrew them.” She responded.


“How many scissor sizes could they have?” I thought to myself choosing not to pick a $3 battle.


She wasn’t always excited about the start of school, but she couldn’t wait each year for the new box of crayons, fresh spiral notebooks, and the latest trend in pencil pouches. I’ve always loved school shopping with her, watching how her preferences change each year.  Though admittedly, I’m sure glad the middle school years are over.


My son on the other hand, very different.  “We’re headed to Target to get school supplies, why don’t you come with us to pick out your stuff.”


“No thanks,” he’d say. “Will you just grab what I need from the list while you’re there with Lexie? She loves picking out stuff, I don’t really care.”  “


Do you have a binder or color preference?” I’d text him from the aisle lined with various binder types and sizes.


“Nope.”  He’d respond.


Luke is a senior in high school this year.  Gulp.  When he started high school, anytime I told people I had a high school freshman they’d say,  “These 4 years will fly by.“ When I dropped Luke off 3 years ago on his new and exciting high school adventure, I unexpectedly ugly cried all the way to work.  I think I knew. It was the beginning of the end of the parenting journey I’ve loved, and those people were right. It was going to be over quick.  Parenting never really ends, just ask my mom, but it definitely changes.  When Luke leaves our house for college there won’t be anymore, pick up your socks, clean the kitchen, type of parenting.  It will be more parenting only when solicited.


The amount of time I have with my kids is getting smaller and smaller, the amount of information they need to make wise life changing decisions is growing bigger and bigger, and their willingness to listen to my input is ever diminishing.  It’s a strange set of circumstances that work against each other.  I know any of you are nodding and smiling knowingly as you’re reading this, far past this time of life where find myself.


The start of this year has us already standing in next year.  SAT’s, college visits, college essays, applications, senior portraits.  It feels like it’s over before its even begun.  It’s going to be a busy year.  I can’t wait to savor every moment and prepare Luke for what’s to come and when he leaves, be ever ready for my future parenting opportunities…when solicited.


Wish me luck!





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