Public Speaking
Avoiding Probate in Life & Death
Learn how Durable Powers of Attorney, Trusts and other strategies keep you out of Probate saving your family, money, time and frustration.
Trust Administration Basics
Learn the general trust administration process and understand what would be expected of a Trustee you appoint in your Trust or of you if you are appointed as Trustee.
Buy-Sell Agreements
Essentials for Small Business Owners- Understand how buy/sell agreements work and why they are essential for business succession planning.
Understanding Durable Powers of Attorney
What are Durable Powers of Attorney? How do they work? Why are they an essential part of a comprehensive Estate Plan?
Death, Taxes, and Family Fighting
Answering your most pressing questions about planning for aging and death.
Planning for Your Special Needs Child
Providing answers to your questions about protecting and providing long term for your child with special needs.
Preparing to Pay for Long Term Care
Equipping you with the information you need if you or a loved one needs long term care now, may need long term care in the future.
What is an Elder Law Attorney and Do I Need One?
Understand what Elder Law attorneys do and how they can preserve and protect assets and maximize public benefits available.
Demystifying Wills and Trusts
Understand what Wills and Trusts do, and how they work.
Veterans Benefits – What Veterans and Their Families Need to Know about Aid and Attendance Understand the benefits available to Veterans to ensure our service members receive the care they need, and how to access them.
Continuing Education for Attorneys (Free CLE):

What Every Attorney Needs to Know About Elder Law
Identify areas if your practice that require an Elder Law attorney to help reduce your liability and exposure to malpractice claims from the aging and special needs population. Learn how an Elder Law attorney can protect judgment proceeds for your clients who qualify for public benefits.
Representing Clients with Diminished Capacity- Ethics
Learn what the rules say about representing clients about whom you are concerned are struggling with diminished capacity.
Guardianship 101
An introduction to Guardianship and Conservatorship from consultation to maintaining Conservatorships.
Trust Administration Basics
Learn the general trust administration process and how to guide and direct Trustees.
How to Protect Your Client’s Public Benefits and Maximize Settlement
Proceeds Learn how to ensure your clients on public benefits keep those benefits while keeping as much of the settlement proceeds you worked hard to obtain for them.
Social Worker Continuing Education (Free CE)
Who’s the Boss?
Navigating the use of Durable Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives. Learn to charter the waters of the many voices in the hospital room and how to identify the proper decision makers. Learn options for joint agents who disagree.
Durable Power of Attorney Basics
Understand Durable Powers of Attorney and how they work. Learn what to look for in the documents and determine what makes them valid.
A Map for the Maze of Discharging Patients to Nursing Homes with Medicaid
Learn how you can utilize Elder Law attorneys to help get patients placed in a nursing home as quickly as possible when that patient isn’t able to pay for long-term care and needs Medicaid.