Thankfulness over Anxiousness

When I opened Complete Estate & Probate Law, in January of 2020, not in my wildest dreams, could I imagine that we would be in the middle of a global pandemic 3 months later. This lockdown required me to make big decisions as a leader that potentially affected the success of my infant firm, and also my brave employees who joined me in those early days.

Not only did I decide to leave my former firm and open a new firm in 2020, my husband and I also decided to do a major home renovation that resulted in us tearing out the back wall of our house the day the shutdown began. Talk about stress… Our original plan included my family moving in with my parents during the renovation that would leave us without a kitchen and first floor gathering place. But that plan wouldn’t work because my husband worked on the front lines of Covid having contact with the public daily, and we couldn’t expose my parents to this virus with unknown consequences. So, we made it work. I made dinner on a hot plate and toaster oven in the dust covered basement during lockdown. All our furniture was shoved into my office. I had to climb over, almost to the ceiling to access my desk to work, not to mention that my children were trying to school at home in the mess, and pounding construction chaos that surrounded them.

Looking back, I think to myself, that was crazy; but I’m so glad I did it. At home, we now have a wonderful entertaining space where I can host and feed people, one of my favorite things to do. My kids can host their friends, so we have a house full of teenagers, also one of my favorite things. At work I have this amazing team of women with whom I get to work each day. I love my job. I love leading this team and learning from them. I love how it stretches and grows me. I love my clients; they are remarkable people who challenge and inspire me. I love hearing about my clients’ lives and hearing their stories, and I love becoming a small part of their legacy.

This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for those things. Not to mention, my family. My husband and kids who keep life fun, full, and interesting. My parents who are in their 80’s and doing well, my brothers and their families, whom I love dearly. I’m thankful.

I listened to a Podcast about gratitude recently. The psychologist on the Podcast talked about gratitude. Research shows, according to this expert, that those who focus on being grateful are significantly more happy and less anxious. He said that the brain generates gratitude and anxiety from the same place. So, I suppose if our brains are so busy being thankful, there is no time or space for anxious thoughts. As the holiday season approaches, join me as I leave stress, pressure, and busyness behind and choose gratitude.

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